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Publisher: JURATOYS SAS with capital of 1,600,000 euros, whose head office is located at 13, rue de l'industrie in ORGELET (39270), registered with the RCS of Lons le Saunier under number 453 389 660.
Intra-community VAT number: FR72 453 389 660
Telephone number: +33 (0)3 84 25 40 26
Email address:

REP sectors / Unique identifier number and eco-organizations:
Packaging sector: FR215857_01JBAT (CITEO Member).
WEEE sector: FR004457_05DIMP (ECOLOGIC Member).
Batteries sector: FR004457_064H9B (COREPILE Member).
Toy sector: FR215857_12IXIM (ECO-MOBILIER Member).

Publication director: Antoine Lacroix

Design and production: Loutreo - 10, Rue Teste du Bailler, 38200 Vienne -

Host: Prestashop, 198 avenue de France 75013 Paris.

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